Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
Hope Inspired Devotionals with Laronda Dawson is a podcast to help inspire and encourage others with biblical wisdom and practical standards to help build your faith. In this devotional, you will be encouraged by the word of God to give you the tools needed for a better lifestyle. Laronda will share biblical moments of hope to start your day and shape a positive environment with scriptures.
Connect with Laronda Dawson
Official Podcast website: www.larondadawsonhopeinspireddevotionals.buzzsprout.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/larondadawson1
Facebook: www.Laronda Dawson
Podcast: https://larondadawsonhopeinspireddevotionals.com/share
Book: Biblical Encouragement for Every Day: In Pursuit of God's Promises: Dawson, Laronda Tarena: Amazon.ca: Books
Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
Heeding Wisdom
Welcome to our broadcast of Hope Inspired Devotions with Host Laronda Dawson
Singer/Songwriter- Author - Speaker, on today's devotional, Laronda will discuss the call of the prophet Ezekiel and how the Lord equipped him to speak to the house of Israel. And just like Ezekiel the Lord has given you a specific purpose in this season to perform. Listen as Laronda gives a word of encouragement and hope.
Scripture Reading: Psalms 118 and 119:1-2
Prayer: Father God,
I will praise you with my whole heart. Today, I ask that you fill me with your wisdom to do what you desire and what pleases you. Steady my heart to be secure in the truth of your word and all it affords me to become. I ask that you take away anxiety and depression and let it be far from my sight that my life reflects your everlasting joy and peace. A joy that cannot be taken from this fallen world. In Christ Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
Follow us on social media :
YouTube: Laronda Dawson Ministries
SoundCloud: Laronda Dawson Radio for Music and Devotionals.
Purchase the book: " Biblical Encouragement For Every Day" by Laronda Dawson
AMAZON: https://a.co/blWcbV9
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Daily Instructions:
1. Create space for God to meet with you. Take time to talk with God in your way. Make him a priority and a necessity each day.
2. Be still and know that God is working on your behalf. recite the scriptures over your life and meditate on God's word.
3. Sit quietly before the Lord to hear what he is saying to you in the moment.
4. Do not be anxious for anything, rather submit your prayer request to the Lord.
5. Play some meditation music to help keep your mind calm and centered.
6. Don't forget to designate time out of your day specifically for prayer.
7. Do what the Lord is telling you to do today. Whatever God speaks to your heart, listen and obey.
8. Rest ( Have nothing on your schedule that will conflict with your prayer time).
9. While you are resting allow God's instructions to guide your thinking so you can follow promptly his wisdom.