Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
Hope Inspired Devotionals with Laronda Dawson is a podcast to help inspire and encourage others with biblical wisdom and practical standards to help build your faith. In this devotional, you will be encouraged by the word of God to give you the tools needed for a better lifestyle. Laronda will share biblical moments of hope to start your day and shape a positive environment with scriptures.
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Official Podcast website: www.larondadawsonhopeinspireddevotionals.buzzsprout.com
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Book: Biblical Encouragement for Every Day: In Pursuit of God's Promises: Dawson, Laronda Tarena: Amazon.ca: Books
Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
Removing Shame
Welcome to our broadcast of Hope Inspired Devotions with Host Laronda Dawson
Singer/Songwriter—author—speaker, Laronda, will discuss removing shame and replacing it with God's plan for your life in today's devotional. Listen as Laronda gives a word of encouragement and hope.
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 25 and Isaiah 61:7
Prayer :
Lord, May we know and understand the great heights you have done for us to show your unconditional love for mankind. Today, allow us to see ourselves through your word and how to forget the past and walk in the future of your purpose.
What God says about shame:
- Our guilt often causes shame, hurt reputation, or embarrassment.
- The name of Christ removes our shame forever.
- God does not want us to be ashamed of anything we've done.
- God will not hold shame over our heads.
- God loves His children and desires to take away their shame.
- God wants to give you his inheritance in exchange for shame.
- Instead of shame, God gives us a double portion.
- God gives us joy in exchange for shame.
- God restores our losses with a new purpose and hope.
Follow us on social media :
YouTube: Laronda Dawson Ministries
SoundCloud: Laronda Dawson Radio for Music and Devotionals.
Purchase the book: " Biblical Encouragement For Every Day" by Laronda Dawson
AMAZON: https://a.co/blWcbV9
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