Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
Hope Inspired Devotionals with Laronda Dawson is a podcast to help inspire and encourage others with biblical wisdom and practical standards to help build your faith. In this devotional, you will be encouraged by the word of God to give you the tools needed for a better lifestyle. Laronda will share biblical moments of hope to start your day and shape a positive environment with scriptures.
Connect with Laronda Dawson
Official Podcast website: www.larondadawsonhopeinspireddevotionals.buzzsprout.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/larondadawson1
Facebook: www.Laronda Dawson
Podcast: https://larondadawsonhopeinspireddevotionals.com/share
Book: Biblical Encouragement for Every Day: In Pursuit of God's Promises: Dawson, Laronda Tarena: Amazon.ca: Books
Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals
"The Treasure We Hold"
Welcome to our broadcast of Hope Inspired Devotions with Host Laronda Dawson
Singer/Songwriter- Author - Speaker, on today's devotional, Laronda will discuss the treasure that we hold. In this message, Laronda will emphasize the importance of understanding our heavenly treasures, and spiritual gifts over the natural physical. Listen as Laronda gives a word of encouragement and hope.
Scripture Reading: Matt 6:19-24 & Matt 6:33
Prayer: Father God, Thank you for a treasure of Heavenly gifts. Lord, may we understand that your ways are far above mankind, and in your hands are untold riches of heaven and earth. Today, let us be comfortable knowing you have everything we need for our protection, provision, and peace. And in your hands, you hold the keys to our life, future, time, and our talents. May we stay hidden in your refuge forever. In Christ's name, I pray, Amen.
Ways to Cultivate Your Treasure: A Relationship with God.
1. Actively pursue God's presence.
2. Pursue peace with all men.
3. Make prayer Important
4. Live out your faith every day.
5. Make godly decisions using wisdom and spiritual discernment.
6. Align your life according to Godly values. Seeking his agenda allows us to foster basic Christian character, civility, and compassion for people.
(The Goal is to prioritize God's Kingdom). In doing this you will find the treasure you've always held and God will fulfill all your needs.
Follow us on social media :
YouTube: Laronda Dawson Ministries
SoundCloud: Laronda Dawson Radio for Music and Devotionals.
Purchase the book: " Biblical Encouragement For Every Day" by Laronda Dawson
AMAZON: https://a.co/blWcbV9
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