Laronda Dawson Hope Inspired Devotionals

"The Power of Faith"

Laronda Dawson

Welcome to our broadcast of Hope Inspired Devotions with Host Laronda Dawson
Singer/Songwriter—Author—Speaker, Laronda will discuss the power of our faith and the judging of the Almighty God in today's devotional. Listen as Laronda gives a word of encouragement and hope.

Scripture Reading: Psalms 50: 1-6

Prayer :
Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear your word today so that we may apply your Holy word to our lives. May we not be consumed with the things of this world, but rather focus on your path for us and fulfilling your purpose in our lives. Let us be sensitive to the prompting of your spirit that we may be your showcase (Glory) on the earth to draw all men unto you, In Christ's name I pray, Amen

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YouTube: Laronda Dawson Ministries
SoundCloud: Laronda Dawson Radio for Music and Devotionals.
Purchase the book: " Biblical Encouragement For Every Day" by Laronda Dawson
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